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HydroLyft fluid system is meticulously designed to achieve low density while MAXIMIZING debris carrying capacity for optimal results in low pressure wells.


What is HydroLyft?

HydroLyft™ is an automated mixing process for making structuralized micro foam where the density can be adjusted ON-THE-FLY using Emerald Surf Science’s patented air induction system.

Real-Time Data

(that's actually REAL-TIME) HydroLyft™ is powered by OpsViewer, our data aggregation & visualization portal, so that you can make REAL-TIME impactful decisions resulting in operational efficiencies & overall job success.

What Matters Most?

HydroLyft™ has a carrying capacity unlike anything you have used in the past. It’s revolutionizing low pressure workover interventions, refrac, & frac plug drill outs.
Learn More About...
Less Water
Less Trucking
In & Out
Less Time
Over The Well

Maximize the Value of Your Current Investment with

  1. Lower cost incremental BOE
  2. Avoid unnecessary reserve write-offs from damaged wells
  3. Increase EUR of underperforming wells
  1. Improve your D&C inventory by increasing production & EUR from existing wells in the field
  2. Excellent ESG metrics relative to other D&C operators


PO Box 6687
Shreveport, LA 71136